Effective Communication Instead of Games


Psychological games are one of the most well-known concepts of Eric Berne, the creator of Transactional Analysis. Games are repetitive, easily predictable, albeit unsatisfactory interactions. In organizations, many such unsatisfactory and conflictual exchanges can be observed among coworkers, managers and employees, teams, as well as between companies and their clients. An important skill is to recognize and interrupt them in a way that communication and cooperation become more effective, efficient, and comfortable.

Team Communication and Collaboration - Belbin


Since the 1960s, Dr. Meredith Belbin has been conducting research on team dynamics at Cambridge. As a result of these studies, a model describing roles characterizing team members was developed. This concept was named the Team Role Theory®. Currently, this concept "assists" in building and managing teams in corporations worldwide. Each of us possesses roles that come naturally to us, as well as those that are not preferred. Based on a specially designed test (Participants complete it electronically), we can determine an individual's work profile (Individual Report), and consequently, the tasks they should fulfill within the team.

Nonviolent Communication in Business


The NVC (Nonviolent Communication) program brings a new dimension to human relationships. Communication based on mutual respect, seeking agreement, and mutually beneficial solutions is the modern language of business, management, and collaboration. It allows for finding a common strategy to meet the needs of all stakeholders, creating the foundations for stable and long-term growth. It teaches true assertiveness based on respect for human dignity and values. It enables the recognition of conflict-generating messages and consciously avoids them, aiming for a satisfactory resolution.

Effective communication


Communication is the queen of skills. Everything starts with it, and sometimes, it also ends because of its absence. Despite using it every day and essentially mastering it perfectly, often our ineffective communication is the cause of conflicts, management problems, or arguments. Especially in high-tension situations, such as those triggered by a crisis. How to communicate effectively, what assumptions hinder our communication with others, how to avoid playing games, and instead communicate openly from a place of intimacy – you will learn all of this during our training.

The Pillar of Good Relationships - Assertiveness in Business


Do you feel tension and stress due to the multitude of expectations placed on you? Do you take on additional commitments, only to find yourself unable to meet them or working overtime? Is it difficult for you to directly tell someone that they haven't done their task well, and then carry a grudge against them? Would you like to learn how to behave authentically and with respect for yourself? By learning the basics of assertiveness and selected techniques, you can establish collaborative professional relationships, free from hidden expectations and manipulation.

I trust, you trust, we trust, they trust - about building trust in business


What needs to happen for you to trust someone? Or maybe your default mode is to trust people? If so, you're an exception because research in this area (CBOS 2022) has consistently shown for the past 20 years that the majority of Poles don't trust each other, and only 19% of respondents believe that most people can be trusted. Weak, especially in the context of GOOGLE research, which clearly showed that one of the most important factors affecting team effectiveness is a sense of security - the older sister of trust 😉 How, then, can we build trust in others? We'll discuss this during the meeting.



Workshops on self-discovery through the lens of Gallup talents. Sometimes the journey to knowing and understanding oneself is the longest journey we take. Who am I, how well do I know myself? What do I really need, and how do I take care of those needs? What values ​​are truly mine? What uniqueness do I bring to relationships, teams, and collaborations?

My talents in individual roles and cooperation in a group/team


We are different and diverse. Our upbringing, environment, experiences, and something we are born with - our talents - all influence us. They are innate, natural, inherited. They manifest later in our functioning, in our way of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Mature and conscious talents help and make us unique and memorable, while immature and unconscious ones frustrate, hinder, sabotage. Individuality and our own "package" then represent us in our professional roles and who we are in them.

Współpraca międzypokoleniowa. Jak się dogadać z Zetkami, Milennialsami i Boomerami?


We współpracy międzypokoleniowej liczy się nie tylko akceptacja. Jak czerpać radość z różnic międzypokoleniowych? Jak lepiej i przyjemniej współpracować, gdy podejście do pracy i relacji jest bardzo zróżnicowane? Jak to wszystko pogodzić z biznesem i wynikami? Dlaczego NIE zarządza się pokoleniami?