
What can you do to feel satisfaction at the end of the day, experience less exhaustion, and have a sense of a well-utilized day? You can learn this 🙂 Find out how to maintain balance and consistency in action. How to sustain motivation and self-discipline for further work while also stopping overtime habits? How to feel that you are managing "everyday life" rather than it managing you? Join our training session that will help you with this.

Selected benefits

  • Thanks to the techniques learned for self-management in time and tasks, participants utilize their available time more effectively, accomplishing more tasks.
  • They know how to prioritize, maintain work-life balance, and resist the urge to succumb to “busyness,” thereby deriving more satisfaction from work.
  • Also, during the training, teams often develop productive principles of cooperation within the department.

Topics covered

  • The power of habits: how to recognize one’s habits and consciously manage them.
  • Developing an individual strategy to strengthen perseverance and self-discipline.
  • Dealing with “time eaters”.


Business Trainer, Sales & Operations Process Designer

A psychologist by education, a business trainer, and a seasoned manager with over a decade of experience in team management, including within international organizations. Combining sales, managerial, and mentoring experience to effectively support clients in the process of change and achieving their goals.