The rapid pace of changes, new specializations, advanced technologies impose on managers the necessity of building modern teams and squads that need to be kept operational. The manager's task is to effectively motivate while respecting the freedom and uniqueness of their people. The leader's task is to truly understand the potential of their employees, as well as critical moments analysis. Motivation is a process that is worth understanding and skillfully influencing by designing optimal solutions tailored to individual and group needs.
- Understanding the types of motivation depending on behavioral style,
- Practicing motivating conversations,
- Learning selected techniques and tools used in motivation,
- Providing knowledge about the sources and mechanisms of motivation formation.
Topics covered
- Situational leadership,
- Motivation 3.0,
- Personality types and motivation,
- Effective feedback (STAR, 2+2 Technique),
- Managerial communication,
- Task delegation according to Sherman,
- Selected motivation concepts,13 laws of non-financial motivation.
Trainer, Coach, Consultant
He is a management and sales practitioner with over a decade of experience in training and coaching. He specializes in programs aimed at enhancing personal effectiveness and advisory projects focused on improving management efficiency and team performance. He has conducted over 1000 days of group training and workshops.
Dyrektor Zarządzający, Trener, Coach, Konsultant
Dyrektor Zarządzający TRAINING TREE. Wykładowca na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim oraz Wyższej Szkole Biznesu Politechniki Warszawskiej (MBA). Doktor nauk humanistycznych, certyfikowany Coach EMCC, Konsultant Belbin Team Roles®, Practitioner oraz Business Practitioner in the Art of NLP.